Chapter Delegates

This is your chapter’s official representative for the National Convention who will vote on behalf of your chapter in business sessions. Like we did in 2023, we are asking chapters to submit their delegates early (June 1st) as some committees may be meeting via zoom prior to National Convention to free up more time during the Convention for all Brothers to attend workshops and meet other Brothers. This also means that if your chapter cannot attend, your voice is not lost on some of the business of the Fraternity. If your chapter changes a delegate or alternate delegate due to travel plans, just submit a new form and we will make the adjustment. Your District Convention delegate does not have to be your National Convention delegate and newly initiated members and graduating seniors are both eligible to serve as the chapter delegate. Alternate delegates provide some security if travel issues or personal responsibilities prevent the delegate from fulfilling their duties.

Chapter Proxy

Even if your chapter expects to attend the National Convention, you must also select a chapter proxy. This will ensure that if the unexpected happens, your chapter still has a voice during the National Convention. If no one from your chapter can attend the Convention, still fill out a delegate form and the proxy information so we can seat your delegate on a committee at least. Our goal is for 100% of chapters to complete this paperwork so we can move quickly through the seating of over 200 chapters at the start of the National Convention.

Obligations at National Convention

Delegates will vote in all business sessions of the National Convention and we will be streaming business sessions online to allow chapters that cannot attend to still keep track of Fraternity business and let their proxy chapter know how they wish to vote.

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